Friday, June 10, 2011

A note to say Thank You

Here is a note to say Thank You.

To all that that mattered and to all that that didn’t.
To all those experiences and to those that are to come..
To those sleepless nights of introspection…
To those sunny days of smiles….

To the birds that wake me up in the morning…..
To the ocean that spreads calmness throughout my body…….
To the colours of the Rainbow…….
To the breeze blowing during monsoons……..

To those Friends who flatter me always
To those Flatterers who pretend to be friends
To those people who are Family
To that family who are People

To the world for being the way it is

Here is a note to say Thank You…
To life, people, surroundings, nature, everything

Thank You for making me “Me”

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