There are certain moments in your life that you wish you could have held on to forever...
There are some people who you wish had never left
There are some walks you wish had lasted forever
There are certain feelings you wish would experience over and over again
There are some smiles that are hard to miss
Laughter that is always heard
Signs of love and friendship
That make the dullest days bright....
So here is a wish..That may all these moments,experiences,feelings be stored in a tiny bottle of hope,faith and love...That they remain in my heart forever!
There are some people who you wish had never left
There are some walks you wish had lasted forever
There are certain feelings you wish would experience over and over again
There are some smiles that are hard to miss
Laughter that is always heard
Signs of love and friendship
That make the dullest days bright....
So here is a wish..That may all these moments,experiences,feelings be stored in a tiny bottle of hope,faith and love...That they remain in my heart forever!