All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players
-William Shakespeare,As you like it
The world is a stage ,our life is a play. It has been written by someone else and maybe directed by yet another stranger. We are just mumbling lines and enacting scenes because we are just characters in this life long play.
It is easy to be someone else ,its easy to play a role. But the challenge comes in when you need to be yourself. This stage,called the world, is a terrible one. The minute you become yourself, you will get a set "booos",maybe a bunch of tomatoes as well. But the best gift one can give themselves is by accepting themselves for who they are. It takes time, a really long time but when one realizes who s/he actually is, its the most wonderful feeling ever.
Introspection is the key. Sit down with yourself one day and think about yourself. Be selfish...
Think about your likes
Think about your dislikes
Think about the silliest thing you have ever done
Think about the stuff that makes you happy, things that bring tears to your eyes
Your favorites colors,best friends,all time favorite movies,music
Think about the things that define you, that you can relate to and Voila my friend, you have found the real you.
You are now an actual person. You are no more a mere character in this play, but something way more...Now its your play,your world!